For over 50 years, Scott Seymour Jewelers has provided his friends and discriminating shoppers with elegant merchandise, superior service, and exceptional value. Now, I am retiring from day-to-day operations. To celebrate my retirement and thank you for your loyalty, Seymour Jewelers is having their biggest and Final sale ever.
Our Entire Inventory will be Liquidated at our Lowest Prices Ever!
I would like to personally invite you to a pre-sale for my VIP customers and friends on Thursday 11/18 thru Saturday 11/21 for a beer or glass of wine to celebrate the holidays and my retirement. This will give you the opportunity to purchase that special piece of jewelry prior to advertising the sale to the general public. We will remain open until 7pm during this event.
All my best;
Scott Bilowit
1212 Hermosa Ave
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254